August 23, 2023

F i f t y – N i n e


Summer, is that you?


Retirement, are you ready?


A celebration dinner
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Essentially, I'm your friend down the street who started blogging, and then life threw lemons (AKA Divorce), and suddenly I found myself here, talking to you! 
Join me on this journey...


It happened, I turned 59.

This marks the close of yet another decade, and (hopefully) with more wisdom, I’m slowly stepping into my 60s. My 50s were a decade of emotional rollercoasters, but I survived. Yay me! So yes, I’m being a bit dramatic; it’s fine. Let me have my moment.

Celebrating my 50th birthday with family and friends feels like it happened just yesterday. Little did I know that life had other plans, leading to the path of divorce. Now, at 59, I find myself reflecting on a decade (or at least half of it) that I’m more than happy to f**king forget.

Change was the prevailing theme of my 50s; everything around me, including myself, was in a constant state of transformation. Although it was a decade not without its challenges, it was also filled with numerous remarkable moments that far outweighed the bad.

With that, I’m navigating my next chapter, reevaluating my priorities, and letting go of things that no longer serve me. Life, after all, is an ever-evolving journey, and I’m determined to embrace whatever lies ahead.

In 2017, I wrote, “What’s next?” Ironically, I find myself here again, asking the same damn question. ‘What’s next?’ What does my next chapter look like? My next decade.

I’ve come to realize that embracing change and uncertainty doesn’t mean giving up control. It’s more like going with life’s unpredictable twists and turns. I’m giving myself the freedom to dream, set new goals, and pursue passions buried under life’s demands. This comes with a strong sense of determination and excitement from the lessons of my 50s.

However, aging is a different battle. One that I will definitely lose, but will fight all the way to the end. That’s just me, and I’m learning not to be too hard on myself. I still firmly believe that a good night’s sleep (a solid 8 hours at least) beats any expensive wrinkle cream. Staying active, whether it’s walking, hitting the weights, or just keeping busy, helps keep the mind sharp and conveniently allows me to indulge in brownies guilt-free. Yep, these days, it seems like everything I eat takes a detour to my waistline. Go figure, right?

As I tip-toe (cuz I’m still technically 59) into my next decade, I’m holding onto what I’ve learned, treasuring the great moments, and letting go of the stresses from the past. Life keeps changing, and I’m ready to welcome whatever comes my way, understanding that every step, whether easy or tough, adds to the unique story of my life.

And not unlike my 2017 blog post “What’s next?” naturally, there’s a handsome leading man, love, happiness, lots of steamy bits, and yes, we ride off into the sunset 🙂

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