While walking the dog, I stumbled upon this mural, the message simple yet profound.
The definition of EXIT is the act of leaving a place, a way out or leaving something.
An exit can apply to many things in our day-to-day lives. But how do you know when to leave or exit something? We’ve all been there, good and bad, or bored out of our minds. You feel the need to move forward and see what’s around the corner. Even when things seem too good to be true, you still need an exit strategy. Perhaps you’re afraid of being hurt or not liking the outcome of something; this would require removing oneself from a situation.
I’m impatient, sitting here and waiting for what exactly? So, I hesitate to exit, hedging my bets in case I leave too soon before something incredible happens.

The definition of ENTRY is the act of going in or coming into.
Does this mean stepping into something new or better? I guess you need to be clear on what you are exiting to be entering. And at the moment, my cards are on the table, not sure whether to hold or fold, a risk, just like any other poker game. But, while we’re discussing risk, what is the risk? So this should be considered, along with emotions. I don’t want to exit unless I’m clear on what I’m entering.
Are you confused? Me too.
Life throws many choices, and it’s up to us to decide. Is this the moment? Is this when I say yes or no to something or someone? How long can you hope or wish for something to happen before it becomes too hard to move in either direction? Frankly, I’m not quite ready to enter somewhere else; I’m experiencing feelings I’m not sure I want to leave behind, or not just yet.

So yes, every exit is an entry somewhere else, but only if you are ready to enter. Remember, it’s an exit; no doors are closed, I guess, proceed with caution or enter at your own risk. I’m a firm believer in not bringing the past into the future.
Maybe exiting has more to do with timing? What if your timing is out of sync with something or someone else? Do you leave or wait? I’m at a standstill. I’m at, it’s too good to be true, and I’m not sure what to do. Life is funny, and to be blunt, it can be fucked up.
I try to view things with an open mind, but in this case, I need to sit tight for that perfect moment, for an entry somewhere else. Hopefully, this will put me in sync with where I need to be, and perhaps that will be with that special someone else.
where is this mural located?
It’s located on 3rd Avenue between Ontario and Manitoba, Vancouver.