It’s been quite the year; I wish I knew where it went. So many things to be thankful for, my family, my friends and everything in between. Honestly, it’s all good. However, those little stumbling blocks (a few too many, in my opinion) will help us discover who we are or get us to where we need to be.
I recently had a conversation with two friends, and the question was, how would you describe 2018? I pondered and came up with shit show; ok, so technically, it’s two words, but it describes my year perfectly. That said, I retracted and changed my word to gratitude. Honestly, I have no complaints because, with a world filled with war, poverty and despair, none of us should have anything to complain about for those reasons alone. This I know for sure.
It’s very easy to get pulled into our drama and minor day-to-day problems compared to the rest of the world. We all have our issues and hurdles that we’re all trying to overcome. But, thinking big picture and needing to keep reminding ourselves, ” life is great, everyone I love is healthy, and I have a roof over my head and food on the table too.” Right?
The next question; in a word, how would you describe the new year? I came up with achievements meaning I have a lot to do this year! Goal setting and trying to put a lot of junk in the trunk and park it far away! It’s a new year, so why not take this opportunity to start fresh?
It’s like cleaning out your closet, out with the old, in with the new. Leave the tired and worn out and anything that doesn’t fit or makes you feel good behind. If it didn’t work for you in 2018, guess what, don’t drag it into the new year; keep it fresh, fresh, fresh! You get the idea changing your attitude towards something or doing anything differently is always a good thing. I’m excited for 2019 to begin, I have a few plans up my sleeve, and I’m up for the challenge. I think it’s important to take a risk now and then, be positive, and enjoy and appreciate what we have.
Happy New Year!
Risky plans? Pray tell.
Nothing risky…getting back on track. Courses, workshops and volunteer work…maybe back to Paris for a few months. More writing, thinking of expanding, if I’m good enough, maybe a book?