February 7, 2021

Get Yourself Unstuck and Moving with a Life Coach


Summer, is that you?


Retirement, are you ready?


A celebration dinner
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Essentially, I'm your friend down the street who started blogging, and then life threw lemons (AKA Divorce), and suddenly I found myself here, talking to you! 
Join me on this journey...


I must admit that the thought of working with a life coach made me skeptical. I mean, why do I need one? We have our friends. Yes, friends. We are there for each other through thick and thin, lending an ear for one thing or another, giving constructive advice and cheering on those grand plans! I have a great circle of friends, but know when to seek help from a professional. 

Enter a life coach, who by definition is a person who counsels and motivates clients on matters concerning their careers or personal challenges. Not unlike a friend, right? I needed a little direction with my evolving life a few years ago. I was recently separated, and my nest was newly empty. Travel was a great escape, but it didn’t solve my dilemma: who was I, and where does one go from here? My story isn’t much different from most. I’m guilty of being stuck in a rut and putting off “XYZ” because I didn’t have the tools to achieve my goals or ambitions. Not knowing my full potential, I let fear get in the way of my success. 

BTW…There are people less qualified than you, doing the things you want to do simply because they decided to believe in themselves. Period.

I was out of the workforce for years, the kids moved out, and I was suddenly irrelevant. I needed a solid plan, a map, and a compass, too! Not knowing where to start, I connected with Susan Wheeler, a behavioural change expert better known as an executive coach.

Susan has a long list of credentials and is committed to helping people realize their full potential and live their best, authentic lives. She brings twenty years of strategic HR experience with global organizations, working with leaders and CEOs and mentoring women. Susan is certified in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and Striving Styles Personality System (SSPS). Her most recent endeavours are her Striving Styles “This Is You” eight-week webinar workshops, helping you discover your personality type and coaching you on how it affects your relationships, career and life. Sign me up!

Honestly, I was apprehensive and wasn’t sure what to expect. All I could imagine were workshops of the ’70s. A lot of Kumbaya comes to mind. But forget about those stigmas; there’s no mind control here. “This is You” workshops are about being open-minded to improvements and developing a mindset that lets you feel more confident, strengthen your relationships, and get more out of life.

Susan led a small group of us on a step-by-step journey of self-discovery, w. uncovered our behaviour patterns, and she helped us tap into our true potential. Once we determined our Striving Styles, we were on our way to the next phase, becoming the best version of ourselves! Honestly, this eight-week webinar was just what I needed, discovering my strengths and weaknesses and leaving me more confident, focused, and, best of all, I had a plan! 


I recently struggled with preparing a business plan; I lacked direction and was overwhelmed by my thoughts and ideas. Susan was instrumental in helping me get back on track and put those ideas into action. By the way, getting help is not a sign of weakness; I’ve had a few touchpoints with Susan on related issues since my workshop. I recognize I tend to undermine myself, often getting frustrated and forgetting, “Why am I doing this?” Before you know it, I’ve played an entire conversation in my head about “failing” and “it will never happen,” I succumb to my negativity and do nothing. Sound familiar? 


Dream big, I always say! Susan suggested creating a vision board; it’s an excellent tool, giving me clarity of those dreams and reminding me of the”why.” Also, this new chapter includes my handsome leading man; we just hit our two-year mark! So I took the idea of creating a vision board one step further and decided my guy, and I should do ours together. Loaded with magazines and Pinterest (wine, of course, too!), we were well on our way to envisioning our visions. It was fun to do, and it was a great creative outlet, not to mention good quality time together.

Most importantly, my new relationship is my redo—this time, learning from my past and improving going forward. The classic saying, “Doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result is insanity.” While I have learned much about myself, I am continually learning more. I would be naive to think I didn’t need a little tweaking along the way. I can’t wait for life to get back to something resembling normal. It’s been a while. As for those plans and dreams? I’m ready and excited to tackle them!

“I’m known for balancing pragmatism, openness, and integrity with warmth, compassion, and humour.”

Susan Wheeler, Executive Coach

The comments +

  1. Where do you score on the Myers Briggs? I will show you mine, if you will show me yours.

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