September 23, 2019

Travelling​ Duo


Summer, is that you?


Retirement, are you ready?


A celebration dinner
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Essentially, I'm your friend down the street who started blogging, and then life threw lemons (AKA Divorce), and suddenly I found myself here, talking to you! 
Join me on this journey...


Who would have guessed a year after writing “Flying Solo,” I would be flying duo? If you had told me, this time last year, I would be boarding a plane to Paris with a special someone, I probably would have called you crazy, or at the least, given you an eye roll.  Our trip was an impromptu decision, making it all the more fun. What could be more perfect for a week in Paris (my favourite) and a week in London?

Honestly, we never thought twice about booking our trip. In fact, it felt completely natural to be planning something more significant together. One can definitely learn a lot about a person while travelling. The thought of what if it goes wrong came and went quickly. I knew we would be compatible travellers. Not always the case in a new relationship.

We planned our days perfectly, making an effort to visit sites neither of us has been to, showing each other our favourite city and creating new memories as a couple. There were many great conversations, and I love all those little nuggets you discover about each other. Debating, who has a better sense of direction? I do, of course;) We walked everywhere, laughing, taking selfies (because that’s what you do) and ending our days in a café or pub, recapping “what was your favourite?”

Travelling with my special someone definitely triggered some old memories. I wouldn’t be human if I didn’t think about my past life. It’s ok. We call them memories for a reason, I’m on to making new memories, and they’re looking really good.

I love to travel, and finding someone that enjoys travel and experiencing the same things as you is a bonus. It was an easy trip, with no drama and no conflict. We were in sync from the get-go, making our vacation even more enjoyable. Travelling as a new couple can be a test. I would like to think we were the best versions of ourselves, in which case, I think we both passed with flying colours.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and the pictures from our trip are no exception. Honeymoon stage or not, it’s a wonderful feeling to have someone by my side, taking those photos and making me laugh. For me, the memories of our trip started with “let’s go!”  Our trip is over, but the memories continue.

Life itself is the most wonderful fairytale…

Hans Christan Andersen


The comments +

  1. Beverley says:

    How wonderful!

  2. Looking forward to seeing more stories of your trips together. Maybe I will be posting similar stories? We’re talking about where we want to go together, especially since she returned from her two weeks in Italy.

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