December 1, 2018

My Ruby Slippers


Summer, is that you?


Retirement, are you ready?


A celebration dinner
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Essentially, I'm your friend down the street who started blogging, and then life threw lemons (AKA Divorce), and suddenly I found myself here, talking to you! 
Join me on this journey...


It was a very last-minute decision to jet off to Honolulu with a good friend. Now, before you judge, I understand it might sound extravagant, but hear me out. After my recent trip to France and italy, detailed in my last post, I just wasn’t ready to return home. I needed one more adventure, a quick getaway to somewhere, anywhere. Hawaii seemed like the perfect fit. That said, I’m still navigating the right balance of this new single life of mine— an ongoing lesson in embracing change but in a good way. To be clear, I’m reinventing the wheel (my wheel), finding my new normal, and giving it a tweak here and there, as required. It’s all about pushing forward with my dreams and desires—finally! No longer mere fantasies, but tangible realities shaping my future.

A new pair of shoes

Who knew that a new pair of shoes could make me rethink how I look at my life?   I’m making plans in my head and sharing with my friend, “If I don’t create this fabulous life in my mind, it will never happen.” If my shoe selection (Ruby Red Velvet Valentino pumps)  is any indication of the life I’m planning, it will be F’N amazing. My Ruby Slippers, if you will, helping me find my way to my destiny or perhaps into the arms of someone special?

Embracing new horizons

As I lay on this beautiful beach, gazing at the glistening surf and blue skies, I listen to Frank Ocean’s sultry lyrics, reminding me of a few amazing moments. A whisper in my ear and a kiss or two are permanently ingrained in my head. I can’t turn it off.

My past is clearly in my rearview mirror; I’m a little sad, but oh my god, I’m putting my best foot forward. I am so excited; my dreams are turning into reality. The universe is watching my every move, throwing me opportunities left, right and centre. How could I resist seizing these opportunities…even better in high heels, aka, my Ruby Slippers? I’m no longer in Kansas, baby!

With my eyes closed, clicking my heels, I wish for a place like home but even better….perhaps with palm trees, beaches and another pair of fabulous shoes, if only to remind me that anything is possible.



The comments +

  1. Ya know, it makes me just a tiny bit envious to “see” going places and enjoying yourself. There is something to be said for not being tied down. My dreams don’t involve Paris or Hawaii, however. My dreams are the slick rock of Moab, the dirt trails in the Rockies or Whistler or the Carolinas or any number of places with dirt to ride. Red shoes are not my thing. I was just talking with a salesman of mine today, a person who has become a good friend, who calls for 30 seconds of advice and 20 minutes of how you doin’. He is getting me interested in hiking. The serenity and fitness sounds awesome….

    Sorry. I just started to comment (or talk).

    • Ya, sorry…this travel thing has been awesome, it’s finally come to a halt, well at least until February;) “my ruby slippers” is a metaphor, well sort of…you know the phrase “dress for success?” I truly believe, if you make plans in your head and start dressing or thinking about how you want your future to be, everything else will follow. Red shoes are my thing but I’m pretty sure you have this amazing life planned in your mind…start piecing it together, new hiking boots perhaps? Dream large…stay tuned for my blog on being a Bad Ass, lol…its the title of a book, u definitely should read!

  2. I like the metaphor. It’s basically dressing up a goal. Still putting the pieces together, I am afraid, but small things like getting in kick butt biking shape or getting the basics of hiking down help to get the pieces in order. I have been there and know I can get back. You have the optimism to accessorize as well — glad to see it!

    Bad Ass?
    (OK… BA Steve… leave the desk chair and get the workout started!)

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