November 1, 2018

I’ll Always Have Paris


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Essentially, I'm your friend down the street who started blogging, and then life threw lemons (AKA Divorce), and suddenly I found myself here, talking to you! 
Join me on this journey...


I’m back in Paris, the city of love, sans mon amour…

I’ve walked your streets so many times, thinking I know you so well, only to realize there’s still so much more of you to discover. You’re an attraction like no other—I’m drawn to your beauty and your sounds; I’ve missed you. You’re constantly on my mind, and I can’t seem to shake you. My visits to Paris are just small teases, leaving me wanting more. If we were lovers, you’d ask me to stay, but we’re not, and so the battle continues in my thoughts. I’ve written before that home is where the heart is, but these days, I’m not sure where that is.


Perhaps I’m looking at this all wrong. Maybe we’re nothing more than an attraction, and I’m the one complicating it. Am I just lusting after something that exists only in my mind? That’s the million-dollar question. Oh mon Dieu, if only I knew the answer. I’m so torn.

Give me a reason to stay, tell me anything…

Paris in my dreams is more than just an attraction; it’s with a lover, a place where my heart will finally feel at home.

To be continued…



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