October 25, 2018

Traveling Solo – A European Adventure


Summer, is that you?


Retirement, are you ready?


A celebration dinner
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Essentially, I'm your friend down the street who started blogging, and then life threw lemons (AKA Divorce), and suddenly I found myself here, talking to you! 
Join me on this journey...


I’m flying to parts unknown, well, not exactly…I’ve travelled these parts before, but this time solo and with an open mind, surrendering myself to the universe (TBH, not exactly sure what that means) and yes, I just said that.


First stop

Montreal. As I write this, I’m sitting in my son’s apartment, trying very hard to stop myself from cleaning or picking up stuff off the floors; omg, he must own a mop?!  My last trip to Montreal was a couple of years ago. My son had just moved here for school, and I was determined to make sure he was settled in the new city he now calls home.

Since then, he’s had plenty of time to explore Montreal, making him the perfect tour guide.  We walked and Ubered everywhere, taking me to his favourite coffee shops, bars and restaurants (which can be afforded by mom’s wallet).  I’ve had a great visit hanging out with my son and his friends. I definitely have flashbacks of my 20s which seems like yesterday. I know I should have savoured longer. It’s wonderful to observe his life and what he and his friends are creating for themselves. The possibilities are endless.  I’m leaving Montreal today; I’ve seen and done. I’ve made a pot of this and that stocked the kitchen with a few goodies and filled my heart with purpose.


Since returning home from Paris last year, the universe (I use the term lightly) has been leaving me little gifts. It’s hard not to notice. Are they clues or signs of something to be? I think it best to leave it as a happy coincidence, although it’s hard not to think that the words “Paris” in and around my city could be anything but.  It’s become a bit of a joke, trying not to take it too seriously, but it does make me smile and wonder.

To quote Audrey Hepburn, “Paris is always a good idea,”  N’es pas? I can’t agree more. Seriously, do I need an excuse?  With my laptop and an endless supply of cafes and wine bars, I should be able to get my creative juices flowing. Or at least the wine will be flowing, right?! And did someone mention shopping? That’s a given. With fall in full swing, I can’t wait to check out this season’s hottest trends and where better to look than in Paris. I’m currently craving a cozy oversized sweater and maybe a fantastic pair of boots.

” Flâner is the art of wandering a city’s streets with no goal or final destination but for the pleasure of soaking up the ambience.”  

Paris is the perfect city for this, and I’m ready for anything…

Another plane

Florence for a week, and I’m looking forward to meeting up with an old friend. We have a lot of catching up to do.   The last time the two of us were in Florence together was in 1985. I’m pretty sure we were inebriated, for the most part, lol. I’d like to think we’ve matured since then. Nothing specific planned, although I know for sure there will be great food, wine and many conversations. The amazing setting of Florence stealing the show.

A train to

Milan is a mysterious city for me, I’ve never travelled here before and I’m not sure why. I’ve treated myself to a special hotel, just in case expectations aren’t met, changing my tone; what’s not to love?  I’m excited to explore, keeping the theme of more food, wine and history.  Did I mention shopping?



  • Expatica quote

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