August 23, 2018



A day in burgundy at the cook's atelier


get your fabulous back


A weekend getaway to champagne
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Essentially, I'm your friend down the street who started blogging, and then life threw lemons (AKA Divorce), and suddenly I found myself here, talking to you! 
Join me on this journey...


I recently had a conversation with a friend about Lenny Kravitz, commenting on how I adore his music, (his new album “Raise Vibration” drops next month)  he oozes sex appeal, I personally think he’s hot (spoken like a true school girl)!  Can I say that? He is the same age as myself, so I guess I can?   I have been a fan of his music, it seems like forever, I can’t wait for his new music to hit my playlist, finding myself going deep into the Kravitz archives.  I forgot just how amazing his lyrics are, his voice, oh, so, sexy… connecting with his music immediately, leaving me wanting more.  There aren’t many musicians that make me feel this way, poetry and more.

We all connect with people in different ways and on different levels, making every experience unique.  There is nothing sexier than a connection you can’t explain, needing to listen one more time or getting a particular look from someone, making your heart race or body tremble.  Are you following me? Look, I’ve been single for a while now, I’m stating the obvious, but you can’t ignore these feelings. I’m waiting for a “connection”, not a hookup thank you very much, with someone that will give me all those feelings and more.

I don’t care if it’s Lenny Kravitz, Chris Pratt or the guy next door, if you’ve made a connection, run with it, these opportunities don’t come along often.

My friend and I can agree to disagree when it comes to Lenny Kravitz, I love his music and how it makes ME feel, my “connection”, having nothing to do with how famous he is or isn’t but it does make me sad that he’s not accessible, can’t blame a girl for trying.

I’m putting it out to the universe, ya never know…



This is so Hot!  New Lenny Kravitz, “LOW”


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