February 18, 2018

Yours Truly


Summer, is that you?


Retirement, are you ready?


A celebration dinner
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follow @LloreaCazakoff

Essentially, I'm your friend down the street who started blogging, and then life threw lemons (AKA Divorce), and suddenly I found myself here, talking to you! 
Join me on this journey...


Hi everyone!  For the past year I’ve been pouring my thoughts and opinions into my blog, “ICovet”, this is new for me and I hope you’ve enjoyed thus far.   It was a busy and emotional year, I’m trying to write about my experiences as they happen, staying in the “moment”.  It’s not clear yet where I’m taking my blog, the entire idea came to fruition from talking with all of you, my friends, family, acquaintances and complete strangers.  If you haven’t guessed already, I am passionate about many things, not for one minute do I think I know everything, I don’t, every day is a  learning experience. Turning 50 really catapulted me into my own, this is my journey for which I’m sure you can appreciate, I join the likes of many of you who have had careers, a marriage, raised children and now it’s time for a bit of reflection (I’ll try not to bore you).   What’s it like to move back to my beloved urban environment (I missed it), or to be single in this era, what are my thoughts on XYZ (brace yourselves) I’m curious and I love to laugh (usually at myself), I may ask the occasional question, like, “can I wear this” is it age appropriate?!  I’m not afraid to share or say it how I see it, although…I (most likely) won’t tell you that dress makes you look fat but I will tell you there are better options.

Here’s where I need your help, in order for my blog to be successful, I’m asking “you” my audience to give me some feedback.  Leave me a message in my “comments” section or “share” or “like” if you’ve enjoyed a post, additionally, you can sign up for my blog by clicking “follow”.  I love to learn and I’m motivated, let me know if there is something I should explore, visit or try, I’m game for anything. I’ll try not to be long-winded and stay on point (so many thoughts in my head).  It means a lot to me that you’ve taken the time to read my blog, if just to make you smile, laugh or ask questions of yourself, then I’m good to continue my journey as a “blogger”.

with love,


Photography, Nikki Baxendale

The comments +

  1. Karen says:

    LOVE ❤️ your blog! So enjoy your travels, experiences, sharp wit and honesty. Please share your gourmet recipes, decorating tips and perhaps a good book occasionally. I covet all of the above and look forward to more great writing from you😀

  2. Honesty as well as intelligence is something that attracts me to your blog. I have been in the blogosphere for quite a while, the blog that follows your blog is not my only blog, and I have been around enough to recognize someone with a talent. You have a talent. Keep writing, keep it honest, write about your life and your opinions and your creations. It is wonderful to see your thoughts!

  3. HILARY says:

    I love your frankness and discussions about “things “that pertain to many of us . Keep on doing what makes you feel good irrespective of what anyone thinks .

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