October 17, 2024

Our First Parisian Week


Summer, is that you?


Retirement, are you ready?


A celebration dinner
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Essentially, I'm your friend down the street who started blogging, and then life threw lemons (AKA Divorce), and suddenly I found myself here, talking to you! 
Join me on this journey...


After weeks of packing up my townhouse and cramming my life into a storage locker, I’m (we’re) finally here—Paris!

Naturally, we arrived before our property agent, but as luck would have it, there’s a café right next door!

We’ve settled into our apartment, though it’s not quite as polished as its gleaming photos suggested. We rented a two-bedroom in the 11th arrondissement through Airbnb, and while it’s a great way to travel, let’s just say you need to be ready for a few surprises. In our case, that meant a quick walk to Ikea City(!) to grab a coat rack, bedside lamps, a bread knife (seriously, no bread knife in France?), and some fresh pillows for the bed. I can finally rest easy—literally!

After a quick nap

We were ready to explore and enjoy our first glass of wine at La Banquette a popular spot to people watch, and then dinner next door to our apartment, at Recoin, in our new neighbourhood!

Sunday wouldn’t be Sunday

I love hitting the Marchè Bastille in the late morning, it’s lively and full of deliciousness! We stocked up for the week; roast chicken, bread and cheese…what else do you need?! Right! Wine…

And flowers…

A Stroll in Père-Lachaise

This wasn’t my first visit to Père-Lachaise, but it was Rob’s. And before you go thinking it’s morbid (okay, maybe just a little), hear me out—it’s far from that. Père-Lachaise is more than just a cemetery; it’s a serene, sprawling park with towering trees, winding paths, and centuries of history etched into its tombstones. Plus, where else can you spend a sunny afternoon alongside legends like Balzac, Oscar Wilde and Edith Piaf?

A Rainy Day

Rob’s family was visiting us for 8 nights, so stopping for rain was not an option. Typically, I’m the kind to hunker down when the rain’s pouring outside. But today we braved the wet streets and wandered for miles, soaked but content. Our reward? A stop at Les Deux Magots, where we sipped their famous hot chocolate, topped with a cloud of whipped cream, delish!

Having our Emily in Paris moment…

More Exploring…

Coffee in the Marais – Au Petit Fer à Cheval

Place Colette – Giant mirror by Jean Nouvel

Lunch at Chez Janou – come in person to make reservations, they never answer their phone

A quick trip to Galeries Lafayette – it’s one-stop shopping if you’re short on time

Palais Royal

So, there you have it! We’ve covered a lot in just a week, and it’s been a surprisingly smooth transition into our new routine here in Paris. Each day brings something new—whether it’s a café stop or an evening walk by the Seine. There’s still plenty to discover, but for now, Paris already feels like home.

Here’s to many more weeks of exploring and soaking it all in. Until next time, à bientôt!

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