There were a few more tearful goodbyes and lots of “Have a fabulous trip!” thrown our way. We even had a “last supper” of sorts with my sons and their partners, where I reassured them, “I’m not gone forever!” But maybe they know me better than that.

It’s a nine-hour flight to Paris, and I keep hearing my mom’s words before any journey: “Hospity blagoslovi, ” Russian for “God bless.” I miss her, but I know she’s with me. With my AirPods in and my playlist ready for takeoff, it’s hard not to get emotional when “La Vie en Rose” starts playing—it’s no accident. 😉
I’m enjoying my first glass of champagne (the real stuff, of course), and I have no doubt it’s just the beginning. We’re celebrating this adventure and the fact that we’re actually doing this! Both of us are a little in shock—it’s one thing to talk about buggering off for a year, but doing it is another.

There were so many heartfelt conversations and visits with so many of you before we left. I love you all and treasure every moment we shared. My heart is full. ❤️
I can’t wait to share this journey with you, and I hope you’ll enjoy coming along for the ride. I’ll do my best to post regularly, and maybe I’ll even get Rob to throw in a few words too! LOL.
But for now, the adventure begins. Life is about to get exciting—though let’s be honest, there will be moments when we’ll be homesick and missing you!
Must run—meal service has arrived!

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