February 5, 2020

One Year With My Guy


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Essentially, I'm your friend down the street who started blogging, and then life threw lemons (AKA Divorce), and suddenly I found myself here, talking to you! 
Join me on this journey...


For the past year, you’ve followed along on my journey with the new man in my life. I guess I can’t use the word “new” anymore; we’ve just hit the one-year mark. It’s hard to believe the time has gone so fast, but when I stop to think of all we have seen and done together, a year doesn’t seem possible.

To say we’ve clicked as a couple would be an understatement, and yet there was a little hesitation on my part. To be honest, I was a bit nervous about beginning a new relationship. After all, these were unchartered waters for me. But when you find a good thing, you go for it, right? I’m glad I did. Still, I waded slowly and took my time, savouring those special moments together.

Both of us are coming from long-term relationships and are seemingly on the same page. We’re turnkey, which is a big deal these days. Imagine finding someone who is at the same stage in life as yourself. I’ve written plenty of blogs about finding that special person or dating in general, but honestly, I couldn’t envision who that person might be for me.  Enter this guy, and it’s no secret, “j’adore.” Having a connection is vital to a relationship; you need to feel it, and trust me, I’m feeling it.

There’s definitely an attraction, and we also have mutual respect and appreciate who we each are. We have a lot of similar interests. I’m learning more and more about his world, which is very different from mine. Having a sense of humour is another quality I look for. It’s not an issue here; we seem to be laughing all the time and at the silliest things. I’ve seriously gone into the deep end.

We are very social as a couple, introducing each other to our tribes. I like to think that our families and friends give us an insider’s guide to who each other is. After all, you are who you hang out with.

The year wouldn’t be complete without some travel, and San Francisco was our inaugural trip. Believe it or not, I had butterflies (and yes, it’s a thing). You know those swoony sensations you have when that certain someone walks into a room? Yes, those. Alas, once  I met him on the train en route to the airport, I knew everything would be okay. In fact, a successful first trip led us to plan more vacations in the following months. And when he suggested we go to Paris and London, you can imagine…I was very excited. What’s a girl to do, for god sake, but say YES!

With a year under our belts, there are a lot of plans we are both looking forward to. I’ll keep you posted.  It’s been a ride with this guy; he keeps me hopping and smiling all the time.

I love how he loves me and appreciates me; it’s straightforward, and I love him back.



The comments +

  1. Christina Caplan says:

    Congratulations! You both look so happy.

    Cheers, Christina

    Christina Caplan +1-604-499-4512


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