November 18, 2019



A day in burgundy at the cook's atelier


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Essentially, I'm your friend down the street who started blogging, and then life threw lemons (AKA Divorce), and suddenly I found myself here, talking to you! 
Join me on this journey...


My 100th post, I can’t believe it!

There were a lot of late nights writing, usually with the music playing and perhaps a wee  glass of wine:)   It was my husband at the time telling me to stop talking about it, “start writing!”  So, with his support, I took the challenge to heart, enrolling in weekend writing classes, deciding, I’m doing this! With that, I created I COVET, which has become a journal of sorts. I’ve been writing for almost three years, which has exceeded my expectations, and I am proud of myself for sticking to it. Clearly, I have a lot to discuss and opinions to share, catching myself jotting down notes about one thing or another and snapping photographs to inspire me.

My first blog titled “A New Year,” and a vacant lot across the street from me was home to many events, seeing the change made me curious, what new event would be taking place next on that lot, this became my metaphor for what events would be next for me?


I started my journey, fulfilling a life long dream of mine. I travelled to Paris, spending a month exploring and living in my favourite city. I wrote several posts on my experience, surprising myself by being able to travel on my own and being okay with it.

After 27 years of marriage, my husband and I decided to call it quits, writing “What’s Next?” if anything, it gave me the last word and closure. My life was turned upside down, I needed to land on my feet right side up; writing kept me sane, made me stronger and gave me purpose. It has been an incredible journey if only three years long.

“Taking the back seat'” my sons were growing up fast, with my oldest in university and the youngest finishing high school, these were busy times.  It was time to let go, letting my boys pave the way to their own destiny. “Empty nest” and “Reinventing myself,” had me wondering where does this leave me? This was a difficult transition for me, trying to come to grips with my new reality of being on my own.

Dating or lack of, had me concerned, will I ever be with someone again? “Swipe Right,” chronicles what life was like on a dating app, which for me, confirmed, “it’s a shit show out there!” But, what if you connect with a crush from your past, calling this “Synchronicity” not knowing the rules I was let down and decided to move on, timing is everything.

These are just a few examples of the events that took place in my life. I’ve written so many stories, making a conscious effort to be positive, I like to think there’s always a silver lining. My passion for writing has been a journey in itself, finding my voice, and sharing my experiences has been a process for me.

If I’ve entertained you, made you laugh or cry or even changed the way you did something for the good, or differently, then it has been all worthwhile.  I’ve loved the journey and not sure what’s next…maybe another 100 posts? Definitely!

Thank you for being there with me.



The comments +

  1. Beverley says:

    Thank you for taking me along on your journey, it has been wonderful and inspirational.

  2. I am glad to have bumped into you here, to have found someone at the same stage in life. Your perspective has been good for me, a little different than I get from my guy friends, an encouragement. Thanks for writing here. May your journey continue to provide you fresh blessings to enjoy.. and to write about!

  3. Wow! Congratulations Llorea. That’s an incredible accomplishment. I’ve absolutely loved following your honest and authentic journey. You’ve come along way baby ;)!

  4. Paulette says:

    It takes a brave person to jump in to the Unknown. You should be proud of yourself. It has been so interesting to be part of your journey.

  5. Dawn Robson says:

    Llorea, I continue to be impressed, and a bit envious of the brave and candid chronicling of your life’s ups and downs. I’ve been cheering your triumphs from the sidelines here in a Texas. Watching the way you have created your own happiness has been inspirational. Here’s to another 100 posts!

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