January 17, 2019

Je ne sais quoi


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Essentially, I'm your friend down the street who started blogging, and then life threw lemons (AKA Divorce), and suddenly I found myself here, talking to you! 
Join me on this journey...


It’s the New Year, and I have a lot on my plate. I’m challenging myself to get serious about my career and pursue what truly makes me happy—writing. I’ve enrolled in a workshop called “Striving Styles: Who Are You Meant to Be?” It’s been an eye-opening experience, full of insights about myself and the people around me, with a few “Aha” moments along the way. I’m excited to dive into the next few weeks and discover who I’m truly meant to be… though, spoiler alert, I think I already have a pretty good idea.

I love this definition of “Je ne sais quoi” written by my friend and coach Susan Wheeler.

 A woman who embodies “je ne sais quoi”:

Nurtures her internal well-being as much as her external beauty.  Life isn’t about impressing others but enjoying herself.

Accentuates her strengths, focusing on her unique characteristics, both physically and personality.  Owning what she has, not fixing or changing herself.  She shows up as the best version of herself.

Keeps her beauty natural and authentic to her unique physical characteristics.

She finds pleasure in healthy, quality food, indulging in moderation.

She uses her clothing and physical appearance as a tool to establish and represent her state of being.

Brings passion to everything she does, from the mundane to the big things.

Stops trying so hard to impress others.  It’s about being you!

She is self-possessed and builds her life around knowing what she loves, what turns her on and what she’s passionate about.  She builds her life on inner joy and personal radiance.  Finds answers within and shares that passion with the world.

She simplifies her life so she has more space to strive for passionate pursuits and stress-free living.

She savours the moment by slowing down.

While she visualizes and plans her life, and where she’s going, she can let go of control and enjoy her journey. She focuses on how to presently show up in the moment.

She does not take life too seriously, approaching her life with playfulness and friskiness that delights everyone she encounters.

She continuously learns and grows.

She exudes confidence, intelligence, sophistication, and style that comes from the clarity of knowing who she is!

Susan Wheeler, CPHR/ susan.wheeler@shaw.ca

Human Resources & Organizational Development Consultant

MBTI/Striving Styles Coach & Practitioner

“This is You!” Learn how to tap into your true potential

Susan Wheeler, Striving Styles



The comments +

  1. Wendy says:

    My friend Be still and KNOW this too shall pass !!!!
    Sometimes trying too hard d to find our purpose will
    Advise from a very old soul🙏

  2. Vented jeans. Is that included in your jennie sasquatch?

    Best wishes. It’s fun watching your journey!

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