August 26, 2018

Thank you for the Recognition Award!


A day in burgundy at the cook's atelier


get your fabulous back


A weekend getaway to champagne
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Essentially, I'm your friend down the street who started blogging, and then life threw lemons (AKA Divorce), and suddenly I found myself here, talking to you! 
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The Blogger Recognition Award

What a happy surprise @ Lizardin Bain,  Unoriginalnotes  Thank you!  it’s nice to know there are people out there reading and appreciating my efforts. There are moments when you wonder…is anyone out there?

The Rules (please follow):

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog

2. Write a post to show your award.

3. Give a brief story of how your blog started.

4. Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.

5. Select 15 other bloggers for this award.

6. Comment on each blog to let them know you’ve nominated them and a link to the post you created.

I’ve completed the first item on the list (see above)…Thank you very much for the nomination.


My blog started on a whim nearly two years ago, at the time, I was thinking, “I should write a book,” realizing, maybe I should start smaller and see where this takes me.  I can’t get through a day without thinking about something to write about. Hard to explain, words and thoughts coming from out of nowhere.  My goal this year is to write a blog a week, I’m nearly there, who knew? There’s something satisfying about sharing my experiences, hoping that if anything, I’m relatable, interesting to read and make you giggle, if just a bit. I have so much to experience, whether it be big or small, please join me.


Advice for new bloggers? Well, be true to yourself, don’t try to be Martha Stewart if you know nothing about baking.  AND whatever you do, don’t give up!  It’s frustrating at times to see bloggers with thousands of followers, it just means they’ve been at it longer, our turn will come and if it doesn’t, it’s not really about that in the end.  Just keep writing, a little each day, get into a routine and be consistent, it will pay off!

I’m thrilled by this acknowledgement, I gotta be honest, I don’t follow many blogs (definitely not 15) I’m still fresh to this world.  With that, I’m sorry for not following the rules exactly per request, I would like to spend more time reading and exploring the many writers out there and appreciate, then nominate the efforts. Good luck to everyone out there!













The comments +

  1. Christina says:

    Congratulations Llorea! I so enjoy your blog.

  2. Very well deserved, Bravo!! I very much enjoy the variety of topics you bring up in your posts. Some thought provoking and some just fun. Nicely balanced and a great pleasure to read.

  3. The new pics you added are really great as well. Love the bike basket.

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